Energy is the root of all existence, from the stars and planets in our galaxy, to the life that populates it, all the way down to the atoms that humans are all composed of. Energy links you to every other thing in the Universe. Within each of us is access to our direct connection to the Highest realm, the wisdom of our soul, the space of the divine.
Through our divine connection to Spirit and our deep intelligence, we are able to tap into and bring forward our souls intuitive knowing, and translate it into clear and tangible guidance that will allow us to thrive and expand in this human experience.

You Are a Being of Magic
Come Home to Yourself
Ashley Rose has spent several decades training in the areas of psychic development, astrology, mediumship, energy Healing, meditation and the unseen forces of our experience. In addition to her tactile artistic creations, she has a passion for using her psychic and intuitive gifts to be of service to others. For those seeking to take a less didactic and more holistic look inside themselves, join Ashley in her relaxed and comfortable studio setting for an interactive, conversational healing session; one free of the "normal" pressures that draw our focus away from our own spirits, and one that is free of the energy harvest and distraction of the modern world.
Your physical body reflects your inner emotional state, and your emotional state is reflected outward in your physical body. During a session, we begin to open this untouched and infinite realm of your magic and healing capabilities within, discovering the importance and freeing nature of what our society often seeks to veil:
The human heart and spirit.
Soul Illumination offers a deeper level of emotional healing through introductions to methods such as: inner child work, family constellation systems. somatic movement, breathwork, and visualization techniques—used to access unconscious material that may be blocking current life experiences, prosperity, and well-being.
Ashley Rose is a mirror in which you will be guided to see the forgotten parts of yourself, uncovering answers to those questions that have resided thus far just under the surface.
You can know, you can be healed, you have the magic,
You are the magic.

Soul Sessions
- 111 US dollars
- 33 US dollars
- 122 US dollars
- 122 US dollars
- 111 US dollars
- 66 US dollars